Newsletter: The Merholz Agenda

I publish a (semi-)weekly newsletter called The Merholz Agenda, delivering my thoughts on Design Leadership and Organization Design straight to your inbox or RSS feed. It’s less formal than the blog here. 

Most recent issues:

"Design" is too damn big, and my most-cited

From the sofa of Peter Merholz— “Design” is too damn big Many, perhaps most, designers and design leaders are experiencing some kind of struggle, and as I listen to them share their challenges, I can’t help but return to a sense that, well, “Design” is too damn big. As an [...]

Toward a new org design for UX and PM

30 to 50, but it’s not feral hogs On the latest Finding Our Way, Jesse and I talk to product development interrogator John Cutler, in what proved to be perhaps the widest ranging discussion we’ve ever had on the podcast. (Listen to it on Apple Podcasts, any podcatcher, or read [...]

A theme for my work for the back half of this year is “what’s next” for design leaders. It started with podcast episode The Phase Shift, where Jesse and I worked through our reactions to the discourse around the design leader ‘freak-out’ and the research ‘reckoning,’ and where I posited [...]

I’m excited to present the first issue of The Merholz Agenda, my (semi-)weekly newsletter where I share my perspective on matters of UX/Design leadership and organization design. Each issue will contain some mix of short thoughts, longer thoughts, and links to stuff I’ve found. I’ve been seeking a venue less [...]


I maintain a semi-regular blog with postings on organization design, design leadership, and other relevant matters. 

Whither UX Research?

A few years ago, we interviewed Jen Cardello for Finding Our Way, and she shared that her team (UX Research) is peered with “market research, behavioral economics, brand, and advertising research, and customer loyalty” in an independent Insights team. The idea was for research to avoid a functional bias, so that it couldn’t be “weaponized” by marketing or design.   And while UX Research is still typically found

Org Design for Design Orgs

In 2015, Kristin Skinner (with whom I worked at Adaptive Path, and who had stayed on and joined Capital One) and I realized that there was hunger for guidance on how to build in-house design teams, and almost no resources for design leaders to support them in this effort. 

So, we banded together and wrote Org Design for Design Orgs, which came out in 2016, and is still the only book focused on this subject. 

We built a website for the book, that includes a blog with new thinking since the book came out. I stopped writing there in 2019 in favor of this site,


Readers have a habit of reading the book in detail.